Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fantastic cartoon. Strongly recommend! BONZAI за РОДИНУ!!!
List of attended recent events:
  • Cafe Louvre with Vitek and Vladka and Christmas ImproTheater with Karin - in photos.
  • Christmas drink with Ostravians at Alena's place - in photos.
  • Christmas charity bazaar in Hilton, Prague - in photos.
  • The Stephen Frost Impro Allstars - hilarious Improvisational Comedy. Recommended!
  • Attended with Iva - International Women Association of Prague autumn fair.
  • Met with Mirka of discussed opportunity of organizing fashion show. Potential venue Life Fashion Cafe in photos here.
Recommend the movies:
Le Petit Nicolas - funny, brings memories of childhood

Mic Mac - funny, extravagant

Saturday, November 7, 2009

After talking with number of my Ukrainian friends living outside of Ukraine - information bubble that is now formed in Ukraine about the Swine Flue (A/H1N1) epidemic is perceived as artificially crafted hidden political campaign in the Presidential race. The reasons for such indirect campaign are likely that the population has become non-responsive, passive and fed up with any direct political agitation.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

2 day trip to Barcelona - 22-24 Oct 2009 in photos.

Fascinating city with architecture and relaxed live dynamics. I wish we would not catch the all-day rain on Thur 22nd, that only happened once in 4 months (as locals said), yet we got to see the beautiful rainbow over the city that happens as much rare.

Stayed at centrally located hostel in Barcelona "San Medin". The actual hostel is nicer than it's website - clean, accurate, next to metro, fast WiFi, paid 20 Eur per person per night in double bed room with balcony facing the street.

For 350 Kc / 13 Eur ticket cost (one way, 1 person) it worth flying more often. Go WizzAir!
Bollywood Film Festival in Prague.
Movie watched - "Luck by Chance" at Kino Svetozor. I have enjoyed it as it seemed very realistic, modern and very, very colorful.

A home cooked dinner. Maid and shared with friends. Lovely evening!
Got a gift from Namibia, Africa - Biltong. It was passed on to me from the one friend who is currently living there via the Czech friend, who went there for vacation. And trust me - this dried meat tastes much more delicious than it looks. ;-)
Went to check out DesignBlok 2009. Interesting, colorful and exciting as last 2 years. Lots of fun. 2h allocated for attending this event was not enough... Looking forward to next year event!
Der Film - German movies festival in Prgaue, 2009.
Movie I watched and enjoyed at Kino Svetozor - Lulu & Jimi. I thrilling mix of retro style, rock'n'roll, sex, love, horror movie and luckily happy end. New experience - recommended!

Recent events attended:
Participated in Manhattan Short Film Festival. Watched movies in one October eve in Prague at Kino Svetozor. Me and Iva both voted for the "Love Child" as the short movie we liked the most.

Also good to learn more about the production company and their other works on youtube channel.
Happened in Prague in Sept-Oct.
Especially I have enjoyed the projects by:
- Redgroup -
- CubeSpace -
- Velux - sustainable villa priject

Цитата дня:

"Вам, как владельцу и руководителю предприятия, довелось пережить не один кризис. Есть ли какие-то общие правила выхода из него?

Основных пунктов, мне кажется, три. Первое — работоспособность. Сейчас надо работать намного больше. Второе — выносливость и выдержка. Они необходимы, потому что какие-то вещи будут получаться хуже, какие-то вообще не будут получаться. Именно в такие минуты важны выдержка и спокойствие, т.е. не получается, не хочется, а ты должен идти дальше вперед. Третье — это команда, потому что жизнь — это командный вид спорта, и если тебя не окружают твои единомышленники, то ничего из этого не получится."

Full interview with Vladimir Golovnev here.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Watched latest movie by Daft Punk - ELECTROMA. The presentation of it was arranged by it's distributor in Czech Republic - Atlantis Entertainment. Movie is very psychodelic. It was a movie to remember by it's simplicity. It would be a great movie for the visual effects at the party, yet I would not recommend to people paying for watching it at the cinema.
With Iva listened to the music concert of Goran Bregovic at Staromestske namesti on Thur, 17th at 19.30. It was free. Many people came. My understanding of the main message and objective of event was a "Thank you!" by "South Slave" people to people of Czech Republic, which became a 2nd home to many immigrants people of Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia&Herzegovina after the Yugoslav conflicts. Music was fantastic and energetic, yet the atmosphere among people at the concert was quite intense, probably because the event was packed, some people came drunk, there were few "not mentally adequate" homeless people in the crowd and also was lack of visible security around the area. I believe it is the security issue was a major draw-back in organization that maid some people feel uncomfortable. Yet no complains for music. KALASHNIKOV-KALASHNIKOV!!! ;-)
A small revolution in my neighborhood. Some 100 squatters attempted to capture the building. My windows on the 5th floor facing the building were the action took place. Lots of police. ~70 people temporarily arrested and ~20 who broke into the building were captured by the police in the morning and brought into custody expecting trial.
With Iva attended and saw a great performance - music and martial art (taekwondo) presentation of Korean culture at Municipal house/Obecny Dum on Tue, 15th Sept. It was attended by both Mayor of Prague and Mayor of Seoul. Great and impressive show. I remembered best traditional music (Haegeum Concerto "Bangataryung", with national Korean music intrument haegeum, performed by Eun-li, Kang) and martial art.
Attended a great international mix of people at the cozy home warming party on Sat, 12 Sep - arranged in honor of new flatmate Dan found and moved in with Jen to share a great apartment at Zizkov, near Jireho z Podebrad aquare/metro station.
Parrot exhibition at Botanical Garden of Prague - Greenhouse zone - is over for this 2009 year. Now it is going to be a bit quieter at 5-7am and 6-7pm. I will miss those loud "bastards"! ;-)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The best of Kiev experience in August 2009:
  • Melody of this summer:
  • Caffe Cafe de Paris - new opening since 2 months, great place on the 2nd floor or at the terrace.
  • Pub Fidel - new opening, great place to meet talk with friends and realx, you may even spend time chilling and play games.
  • Cafe "Камышовый кот" / "Jungle cat" - near Kontraktovaja square, st. Frolovskaja 7, review.
  • Beginning of new study year - flatmate co-share search add at Kiev-Mohyla Academy- pure fun!
  • My photo gallery of August in Kiev.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Here are photos from the weekend trip to Uherske Hradiste for attending Summer Film Festival Closing.
Great Overview of Art Market in Ukraine presentation at site.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Great, great, great weekend (Sat, July 25th & Sun, July 26th) at lake Barbora, near Teplice. It is like 1,5h from Prague. The only thing I wish it was less rain and more sun... Photo report.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Interesting chart -'s Acquisitions and Investments - 1998 - 2009. Click on image to enlarge (or Open Link In New Tab):

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

On Saturday, 4th July I have obrained a 5th kyu in aikido, after passing the exam in Plzen.

On Sun, 5th and Mon, 6th been in Karlovy Vary at the international film festival. As more people coming each year, the harder it becomes to get to any movies... I have seen only one by a luck/chance... so no personal rating of good movies. It was also being raining on Mon, so even relaxed walking along the streets was not really an option.

Good street food by the Hotel Thermal, feeding ducks in local park, and sun basing at the swimming pool are the special memories.

Photos from event.
A friend of a friend of a friend came to Prague. We did some intense walking another evening. Here are few photos taken at the Kampa modern art museum.
Great music concert at Obecni dum. Japanese music/songs sounds in photos/videos.
Got a gift of a wild cherries. Tried to make a jam of it. Even my flatmate Francesco had a skype talk with his mam in Italy just to get the recepie... We started to make it, yet it was too late and we could not safe "the patient" by the morning it become wine smelling cherry and not looking well enough for jam... I guess the option now is to buy a cherry jam at the local store. In photos.
Sad, when friends are leaving country. Yet in the hearts we all wishing them luck and best in their new relocated life. Good luck to Angela and Brandon. Photos from farewell here.

I have also promised to download and listen audio cast from Brandon's 1st internet project as expert speaker -
Music celebration at French Institute in Prague. Concert of French band - Red Cardell. Great musicians. I have even noticed few elements of Ukrainian folk music and songs. They mentioned, that they had few recordings together with Ukrainian band "Voply Vidoplyasova". Photos and videos from concert here.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Been to the vernisage at the gallery - Great location - hidden perl of downtown. Photos were good in concept, yet I personally felt that due too much of photoshop mutation of the original photos the human connection between viewer and photo was minimized as well.
The vernisage was accompanied with the great lounge music by DJ Filip (Tyc), from Radio 1, Prague. And tunes of Jose Gonzales - made me search and find this colorful and 'want to hear' advertisement:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Free fusion of United Islands of Prague and Museum Night 2009, Sat 20 Jun

ONLY for experienced festival/party/hike-tour survivors!!!

Meeting point:
by entrance to Narodne Divadlo - 18:45

going to the Strelecky Ostrov - UIP main stage - taking good place for the concert, having a drink - 19:00

United Islands of Prague - concert N.O.H.A. - 19:30-20:30
(Germany / Spain / CZE / USA - music is a conglomerate of the club dance style, funky, pop, even modern jazz and world music)

going to ujezd Funicular (lanova draha) to top of Petrin hill - 21:00
on Google maps.

walking to Zahrada Kinskeho (Kinského zahrada 98, Praha 5) - 21:30

Museum Zahrada Kinskeho - 21:30-22:00
walking down to the bus stop Svandovo Divadlo - Line 5 to the Main Transit station Staromestska

At the Main Transit station Staromestska change to Line 7

Go to the Agricultural museum (2nd stop - v ulici Kostelní před vchodem do technického muzea)
if we lucky we could catch the last wine tasting of the evening at 22:30 - 23:00

Then (if we would want to) could continue to the remote destination of Museum of Pop Culture by taking bus Line 7 - 23:30 to stop "v ulici Bělohorské vstřícně ulici U Kaštanu"

return to the city center by taking bus Line 7 - 00:00

walking by Kampa Park Veranda installation with music/DJs - into the Museum of Music for a closing Jazz Concert.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sent by papa:


Джордж Карлин

Вы понимаете, что единственное время в нашей жизни, когда нам нравится стареть - это детский возраст? Если вам меньше 10 лет, то вам так нравится становиться старше, что вы думаете об этом в дробях.

"Сколько тебе лет?" "Мне четыре с половиной!" Вам никогда не бывет 36 с половиной. Вам четыре с половиной и скоро будет пять! Вот он ключ.

Вы становитесь подростком, теперь годы не могут вас удержать. Вы перепрыгиваете к следующему числу, или даже на несколько вперед.

"Сколько тебе лет?" "Мне будет 16!" Вам может быть 13, но постойте, вам же будет 16!

А потом будет величайший день в вашей жизни .... вам стукнет 21. (В США - возраст полного совершеннолетия, можно голосовать, выпивать... - прим.. перев.) Даже слова звучат как ритуал. ВАМ - 21. ДААААА!!!!

Затем вы перевалили за 30. О-о-о, что такое случилось? Для вас это звучит как прокисшее молоко! Оно ПРОКИСЛО; нам придется его вылить. Теперь уже нет веселья, вы просто кислый пельмень. Что не так? Что изменилось?


Вы нарастили такую скорость, что ПОРАЗИЛИ цель с номером 70!

После этого жизнь переходит на счет день за днем; вы ДОЖИЛИ до среды!

Вы вошли в 80-летие и каждый день теперь содержит полный цикл; вы ДОБРАЛИСЬ до завтрака; вы ПЕРЕВАЛИЛИ за 16:30; вы ДОСТИГЛИ сна.

И здесь это не кончается. После 90 вы начинаете движение назад; Мне ТОЛЬКО 92".

Затем происходит странная вещь.

Если вам больше 100, вы снова становитесь маленьким ребенком. " Мне 100 С половиной!" Все ли вы можете добраться до здоровых 100 с половиной?!


1. Отбросьте несущес твенные цифры. Это включает возраст, вес и рост. Позвольте докторам заботится об этом. Именно поэтому вы "им" платите.

2. Оставьте только веселых друзей. Брюзги тащат вас вниз.

3. Продолжайте учиться. Узнайте больше о компьютерах, ремеслах, садоводстве, о чем угодно. Никогда не оставляйте мозг в лености.

"Праздный мозг - мастерская дьявола". А имя дьявола - Альцгеймер.

4. Наслаждайтесь простыми вещами.

5. Чаще смейтесь, громко и долго. Смейтесь пока у вас не перехватит дыхание, до коликов.

6. Бывают слезы. Потерпите, погорюйте и двигайтесь дальше. Единственная персона, которая всю жизнь с нами - это мы сами.

Будьте ЖИВЫМИ пока вы живы..

7. Окружите себя теми и тем, что вы любите, будет ли это семья, звери, подарки, музыка, растения, хобби, что угодно. Ваш дом - ваше убежище.

8. Лелейте свое здоровье: Если оно хорошее - сохраняйте его. Если нестабильное - улучшите его. Если это сверх ваших возможностей - обратитесь за помощью.

9. Забудьте про чувство вины. Съездите в магазин, даже в соседний район, в другую страну, но НЕ туда, где есть вина.

10. Говорите любимым людям, что вы их любите при любой возможности. И ВСЕГДА ПОМНИТЕ:

Жизнь не измеряется количеством наших вдохов, но меряется моментами, когда у нас захватывает дыхание.

И если вы не послали это как минимум 8 человекам - кому какое дело?

Но поделитесь этим с кем-нибудь.

Нам всем нужно жить полную жизнь каждый день!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Compliments for sending to Andew Semenov.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

A MUST see mind opening movie - HOME
  • About the Earth, our planet
  • About live as it was, is now and how it could be - worst/best case scenario
A treasure photos my papa sent me as a follow up to meeting with his university group.
  • Mama Anya and Papa Misha - university years. Romantic dating time. That's where my parents met.

  • Reserve officers military practice was and remains part of the university curricula. My dad did it the right way.

  • Mama (sitting) in her student years.

Great funny add:
Forgotten April posts:
  • Trip to Venice, Milan, Zurich - below is a story by Iva, in Russian, original is on her page at
    • Nachalos vse s idei na vuhodnue sjezdit v Veneciy. ehat na avto 8 chasov. Vuezgaem v pyatnisy nochy v sybboty ytrom mu na mesta. gylyaem tam i v voskresen'e obratno v Pragy. no vse sygdenno bulo proizojti inache) pervyy chast scenariya mu vupolnili na otlichno. priehali v Veneciy ytrom. ostanovilis v Campinge Serranissimo) Dannuj Camping nahoditsyqa na materike v prom zone) ochen po owywenijam i prirode pohoge eta chast Venecii na kakyy nit derevywky v Crimea) Tem ne menee mu powli gylyat v samy Veneciy staruj gorod) Menya etot gorod dnem ne ochen vpechatlil. arhitektyrno ochen krasivo) doma kotorue stoyat y kanalov. Lodki tam kak avto. vse tolko po vode peredvigaytsua i pewkom sredi malenkih ylochek. Venecianskih masok tyt kstati kak v Egipte kaljanov a v Crimea izdelij iz mogevelnika))) vubor prosto ogromen i cenovom i po kachestvy. Tak kak mu ehali v mawune dolgo i ne spali to rewuli vernytsya v naw domik v campinge (za 4 cheloveka mu zaplatili 55 evro za noch) i vuspatsya a vecherom pojti пнднфе po Venecii. Prosnylis mu vse drygno v 9 vechera. Vot chto vpechatlilo menya, tak eto Veneciya nochy. VEs gorod propitan mistikoj. malenkie yzkie ylochki pystunnue pystue gondolu raskachivaywiesya po tihomu kanaly. doma pystyut tak kak vse naselenie guvet na materike a v starom gorode guvet tolko letom. Ylochki i proylki takie yzkie i zagadochnue chto odnoj devywke tam hodit realno opasno. a vot paroj gylyat tam v samuj raz))) Na ytro mu rewuli chto pora ehat domoj. Vustavili koordinatu GPRS i vuehali iz Venecii. Naw electronnuj dryg povel nas na trassy ne na Verony a na Milan. priwlos ehat v Milan)) Milan nas vstretil dogdem. tem ne menee mu progylyalis po glavnoj plowadi zawli v kostel, prowlis po passagy s znamenitumi bytikami. Na samom dele Milan-eto gorod bytikov i modu. Tak krasivo stilno i dorogo kak buli odetu lydi v etom gorode ya nikogda ne videla.Tak kak pogoda bula ygasnoj mu rewuli chto pora ehat domoj. Naw GPRS povel nas opyat ne tyda, prologuv nam trassy ne cherez Avstriya-Germany a cherez Switzerland-Germany)) Takim obrazom v 11 vechera mu okazalis v Zuriche)) Gorod ponravilsya ochen.Chhistuj akkyratnuj mnogo steklyannuh vozdywnuh zdanij i neveroyatnya chistota. Tak kak vse campingi otkruvalis tolko s 1 maja a Hotel eto dorog, mu zaparkovali avto nastoyanke razloguli avto i spali 4 cheloveka skrytivwus v pozy iogi)) tak prowla noch) Na utro mu gulyali po Zurichy. Popali na prazdnovanie ih nacionalnogo prazdnika provoda vesnu i nacahal leta. posmotreli na wvejcarcev.i yspewno poehali domoj v Pragy. v etot ge den v 9 vechera mu buli yge doma. Mu proehali 4 stranu zatratili 60 euro s cheloveka i nabralis kychi pozitivnuh emocij i vpechatlenij. Nezaplanirovannue dejstvija chawe vsego dostavlyaut ydovolstvie i vdohnovlyaut)))
    • Photos.
  • Party of Cervantes Institute at the Friend's club in Prague. This club is known for being safe harbor for gay people, some were curious why would Spanish Cultural institute want to organize Students-Professors party there. We found no special reasons, but decided it was done for a controversy and fun. Anyway it was a great time for all straight people, who attended. Photos.
  • Opening of the European Film Festival this year. I believe it was not much fun and it took too long. Also opening movie came without English translation so we left in the middle of it. Photos.
Graduates of Liceum "Intellect" (school N 21) invade Prague. Now Valik comes from Israel - a common friend of Dima, who been in Prague recently in April!!! Together we toured Prague. Unfortunately most of the time weather was rainy and chilly, very beer friendly. Photos.
Last week highlights:
Upon return to Prague from Ukraine got to see the last days of Fringe Festival 2009. Got to see:
  • The Crying Cherry - absolutely, totally brilliant and hilarious. My favorite this year. Few images.
Genre: Theatre, Comedy, Physical Theatre / Non verbal

Since the fifth dynasty of the Fuonghua family, the legend of the Crying Cherry has been performed by the Tukurimastas; an artistic guild of thieves who engaged in the martial arts, circus skills, theatre and robbing. Maarten and Ian take the roles of these ancient performers and will tell you a legend so beautiful you'll turn into a Crying Cherry yourself.

  • Decaffeinated tragedy - drama with taste of humor, the strong part about it that it is based on true-life story of men loosing ones he love.
  • In a thousand pieces - very strong, emotional, got you thinking deep and serious about problem of human trafficking and sex trade.
Trip to Ukraine in May 2009. Been to Kiev, Lutsk and in the Crimea - Feodosia, Chersones, Sevastopol. Really have reset my believes in how beautiful the Crimea actually is. Photos.

A special photo report of the people of French Institute in Ukraine. maid for Deborah Bennatar, who worked in Kiev for a few years and now doing same thing in Prgaue. From best friends and ex-colleagues in Kiev with much much l'amour!!! Photos.
More of recent events:
  • Banana day - promotion of Cequita got me and Iva got to draw creative image of "Love and bananas" we got a free 30min ride in the pedal-boat on the Vltava river + got to eat bananas. In photos.
  • My friend of US times at Western Kentucky University, Olya Prymak is now married to a Brit and luckily was on a family/business trip for few days in Prague. We got to meet for a drink and quick chat at the Old Town Square. Here are 2 photos.
  • A racing day organized by British Chamber of Commerce. Regardless it was my 1st time at the races and I tried 2 bets 2x110Kc, I lost. This challenged my believe that "Newbies always win" :-) Photos. Also got to touch and smell a beauty of Maseratti car that was promoted there, just got to make 120K EUR and it will be mine.
  • Delivered a speech at the BTM D2 Regional contest. Was a target speaker for evaluation contest. Photos are here.
Contemporary Russian films in Prague's kino Svetozor. Program here. Photos from event here. Movies I have enjoyed the best:
With Simone of Italy discovered a very underground -3rd floor at Chapeu Ruge in Prague. And it was a great double discovery of a music band - CCTVallstars. Photos here.