- Cafe Louvre with Vitek and Vladka and Christmas ImproTheater with Karin - in photos.
- Christmas drink with Ostravians at Alena's place - in photos.
- Christmas charity bazaar in Hilton, Prague - in photos.
- Random Prague business names mix in photos.
- The Stephen Frost Impro Allstars - hilarious Improvisational Comedy. Recommended!
- Halloween (photos).
- Celebrated Iva's (photos) and my Bday (photos from Kostya).
- Met with Mirka of Red-Carpet.cz discussed opportunity of organizing fashion show. Potential venue Life Fashion Cafe in photos here.
- Asian Film Festival 2009, tried to watch Japanese film "Enclosed Pain" film it at Kino Svetozor. Maid selection based on the IMDB rating (8.8 of 10). Yet it was a mistake. Did not undertsood the movie and left cinema in 2omin. Movie is very specific, maid by hand held video cam about difficult youth in Japan.
- French Film Festival 2009, that passed at various locations in Prague, incl. Kino Svetozor and Lucerna. Photo gallery here. Facebook group here.

Le Petit Nicolas - funny, brings memories of childhood
Mic Mac - funny, extravagant
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